Monday, November 28, 2011

The Big 2-4

Ok guys.  So I haven't posted in a long time.  Like almost two months.  I'm gonna go ahead and give you the "school and work" excuse thing again, because it's true.  And also I forgot.

However, today is my 24th birthday.  It's left me feeling a little...weird.  I mean, 24 isn't really a special birthday, like nothing really changes.  I'm just a year older, and thinking that I shouldn't be this old.  I still feel like I'm 19, but I think that's more to do with this fresh attempt at college than anything else.  That and maybe how I'm thinking about using my tax refund to buy a $150 Harry Potter Lego set.  But mostly it's the college thing.

I think what I want to do is look over the last year and see what's happened, because a lot has. Since my 23rd birthday, I have:

-Moved back home from Schofield
-Applied for, gotten into, and started college
-Said goodbye to my grandma (and I still think about her all the time)
-Gotten better at managing my finanaces (sorta)
-Made some new friends
-Reconnected with some old friends
-Taken up crocheting again
-Moved to Oshkosh
-Started to really act like an adult and take responsibility for myself
-Fallen in love with some new bands (and re-fallen in love with some old favorites)
-Spent more money on video games than I care to admit
-Realized just how much I depend on my family
-Let my natural hair color grow out (for the first time since I was 16)
-Let my hair get really long (even though I recently cut it short again)
-Started this blog

Hmm.  I'm calling that a pretty solid list.  Some good, some bad, just what a year should be.  I don't even want to think about how close I'm getting to 25.  At least I have a whole year until then.

This year I am resolving to start manning up and stop being afraid of things.  I'm going to say no when I don't want to or can't do something.  I'm going to keep up with my blog.

Well, I think we all know that last probably isn't going to happen.  But  hey, a girl can dream, right?