Friday, June 24, 2011

Larry Sugarman

I recently discovered the movie Little Miss Sunshine.  My friend Andy has been telling me to see it for months, and he's not the only one.  I rented it from work 4 or 5 times, but I never really got a chance to sit down and give it the attention I'd heard that it deserved.  I took it home once more last weekend and finally found time for it.  So what did I think?

Holy shit.

Best. Movie.  EVER.  It's my new favorite.  Like, now when a customer asks me "So, what's your favorite movie?" I don't have to laugh and wave them off for being ridiculous.  I can just say "Little Miss Sunshine."  This is huge.  I haven't been able to do that since I was 5 and it was Beauty and the Beast (which will always hold a special place in my heart).

I really can't adequately express how much I enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine.  It's the kind of movie you have to experience.  The writing was excellent and the casting was perfect.  I also really like the way it presents the family - they're kind of crazy and pretty dysfunctional, but I loved that about them.  The story is kind of different, too, which is refreshing (even if I am 5 years late to this party).      

Just do me a big favor and see it.  Then you can let me know how right I am.

Because - trust me - I am.

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