Thursday, June 9, 2011

Well...This Is New.


Hmm.  I don't know if I could've chosen a more generic opener.  But I guess that doesn't matter.  After all, this blog is about me and what I want to say and what I think and what I like and what I don't like.  Clearly I like run-on sentences.  And I like being the boss, even though there are very few areas of my life where I get to be.

I am a lot of things.  I'm a college student, a cat lady (you will probably hear more about my cats than you ever wanted to know about anybody's cats, even your own), an amateur baker, and a lady gamer.  I am disorganized, a little messy, and sometimes a lot to deal with all at once.  But I'm ok with it.  I know who I am and I don't apologize.  I even like who I am most of the time, which is big for a 23-year-old woman, I think.  I also traded back and forth between girl and woman in that sentence about 10 times, so I think that says something about me, too.

I'm blogging because I like to write.  I don't do it well, and I don't do it for anybody but me.  I write because it feels good.  Making notes about things going on in my life is something that makes me happy.  I like knowing I can look back a couple years down the road and remember being here.

So that's it.  If you're still with me, get ready for a whole lot of ridiculousness.

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