Sunday, June 12, 2011


Ok, so Hollywood is currently stuck in this thing where there is almost nothing original coming out.  They love sequels because chances are if people watched the first one they'll want to see the second one and there's a lot of money to be made.  Case in point: The Hangover 2.  Let me state that I thoroughly enjoyed The Hangover.  I thought it was funny, Bradley Cooper is a babe, and Ed Helms is awesome.  But really, was there anything more to say about it?
I should mention that I haven't actually seen the second one.  All I've heard is that it's basically the first movie, but set in Thailand.  And since that formula worked the first time, hey why not try it again, right?  Lo and behold, they have made enough off of it already and apparently a third installment has been greenlit.  Wtf?  Where else can this story possibly go?!
Then there's the ridiculously disturbing Human Centipede, which came out last year.  Again, I didn't watch it - I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to handle it.  But I found out at work today that there are TWO sequels in the making for it.  WHY?!?  I mean yes, it's definitely something of a shock to see the first one for the first time, especially if you don't know what it's about.  And yes, it is kind of one of those things that would be fun to watch with a group of people.
But seriously.  They made a movie about a guy who connects three people (two of them moderately hot chicks, no surprise), mouth to anus, to form a human centipede.  So ok, that's the plot of one film.  What can you do with that that you haven't already?  It seems like making one more movie would be tough, but two?
I heard all this while complaining that they haven't made a movie of the book Timeline by Michael Crichton, which is an outstanding story and would be a great movie.  Oh wait, they did?  Hmm.  And the cast looks promising.  Interesting...

So ok, maybe sometimes they make things that are worthwhile.  But I just wish they'd stop making bullshit like a million sequels to a movie that was really only good the first time (I'm looking at you, Pirates of the Caribbean) and do stuff that's ORIGINAL.  Are there really no ideas left anywhere?  I've got some.  They may not be good, but I promise not to connect anybody's mouth to anybody else's anus.  Probably.

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