Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Honey, Honey...

So here's a story from like two weeks ago that I didn't write about.  As previously mentioned, I have two cats.  One of them (Honey) is roughly 14 years old, the other (Naughty or Battlecat 2.0) is about 3.  A couple weeks ago I noticed that Honey's eyes looked kind of jacked up.  One was all runny  and the other just looked really irritated at the inside corner.  I took him to the vet, and after some poking and prodding that was very hard to watch (including stretching out his inner eyelid with a tweezers uggghhhh), the vet determined that his inner eyelid has a tumor on it.  Wtf?

I dropped him off this morning to have the eyelid surgically removed.  I'm pretty proud of myself, I didn't even cry when I handed him off to the receptionist.  I wanted to - he looked at me like I was totally abandoning him, and I am terrified that some day I will have to take him in to get put down - but I didn't.  Instead I pacified myself by going to Walmart and buying him some catnip, treats, and a new toy.  My mom always bought me and my brothers a treat or a toy when we had to go to the doctor, so this seems fitting.

They told me I can call around 11:30 to see how it went, and then call back at about 2:30 to find out if I can bring him home today.  If he doesn't come out of the anesthesia well they'll keep him over night, but that would blow because I have class all day tomorrow and work immediately after, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  I know the surgery is minor and I'm sure everything will be fine, but I am still nervous.  Blargh.

On a positive note, I start school tomorrow.  I'm really excited about it, but a little scared too.  Today they're doing a thing called Taste of Oshkosh, which is where all the student organizations set up booths outside and you can walk around and learn about them and sign up.  A couple friends of mine are going, so I think I'll go when they do.  I also have to drop off some paperwork for my campus job, which also starts tomorrow.  I went for a stroll around campus the other night to reacquaint myself with it and took a couple pictures.

 That's the library, Polk, where I'm sure I'll spend a lot of time come finals.  And I like how they have these neat old timey lamp posts all over-

It's funny how I was a freshman here five years ago, and now I'm finally back to finish my adventure.  I am beyond excited about this. 

Since I keep changing the subject, I was watching Futurama yesterday and heard one of my most favorite Bender lines ever.  He is afraid that nobody will remember him when he's gone, so he graffitis a wall like so -
and then he says "There.  Now no one will forget how I lived or my attitude regarding butt."


And lastly, I leave you with a picture of my Honey.  Please forgive the horrible lighting and the shitty quality, I took it on my phone at 2am.  It was just so cute, he laid down next to me and put his paw right in my hand.

It's gonna be a long day : /

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