Friday, September 16, 2011

*Obligatory Rebecca Black Reference*

Ahhh Friday.  It's been a long time since the day being Friday actually meant something to me.  I mean, I still have to go to work tomorrow and everything, but I don't have school, and that is pretty glorious.  Frriiiiddaaaayyy.

Kelly's has beer gardens tonight.  I kind of want to go, but I couldn't find anybody to go with.  Zach is working, Jenn has a pregnant friend visiting, and I didn't hear much from Heather or Brittany, but that's ok.  It's probably best that I don't do anything too crazy since I have to work tomorrow anyway.  Plus, sitting home is not a thing I get to do very often anymore.  So I'm just chilling with the kitties.

All day I've been thinking about Bioshock and how I want to play it again.  For those who aren't familiar with it, Bioshock is a sweet first-person shooter that came out in 2007.  It tells the story of a guy who gets in a plane crash and ends up wandering this desolate, ruined underwater utopia called Rapture.  People still live  there...or something close to people.  I'm not talking about zombies.  These things are humans that have basically lost all their humanity.  They are crazy and scary and want to kill you.  But you get plasmids, which are pretty much super powers, but they rely on you continuing to inject yourself with something called "Eve".

Anyway, it's dark and scary and, at least in 2007, was a thing that really hadn't been done before.  Yes there are billions of first-person shooters, but the story here was pretty different.  And for being 4 years old it is certainly aging gracefully.  It's had one sequel already (that was good, but nothing really ever matches up to the original), and there's another one on the way for next year (I think?).  Pretty stoked.

So that is what I think I will do with this Friday night.  I will pretend to clean the apt a little (it's so much harder to keep up when I'm not home all day.  Plus I have no ambition to do it since I never have guests), and then I will abandon all pretense and just play Bioshock.


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